AI precision in talent acquisition
Streamline your process through automated vacancy generation, candidate screening, and interviewing.
You can send an invite for a meeting to Thijs de Vries.
Dustin Leham
Software engineer
Save with AI-driven automation processes
Increase in candidate matching accuracy
Reduction in recruitment costs
Ultimate efficiency
Recruitment automation
Al job generation
Utilize AI technology to swiftly generate high-quality job descriptions that resonate with your target audience, captivate candidates and drive engagement.
Al matching
Receive tailored suggestions based on candidate profiles and job specifications, ensuring that every match is optimized for success.
Emma Houck
Frontend Developer
Job recommendations
Jaicob AI
Dynamic Tactics Agent
56501 Crooks Road, Heidistad
Legacy Interactions Assistant
3657 Eloise Summit, Collierland
Legacy Metrics Producer
48613 Western Avenue, East Ari
Investor Research Executive
19574 Gleichner Estates, Kerlukefield
Corporate Assurance Supervisor
548 Lindgren Shoals, Lake Amiraside
National Mobility Strategist
4469 Chapel Road, West Shanel
Forward Paradigm Supervisor
526 Barton Row, Tristianboro
Future Tactics Agent
43966 Edwina Center, Deshawnhaven
Forward Applications Engineer
90943 Augustine Springs, Kent
Al recommendations
Stay ahead of the curve with real-time guidance, providing invaluable insights and improvements to your recruitment process and marketing strategies.
Ultimate efficiency
Recruitment automation
Pipeline automation
Automate the forwarding of candidates to the correct application phase and perform relevant actions such as personalized communication or scheduling interviews.
Finn Martens
Human Brand Consultant
Rose Okuneva
Human Operations Administrator
Chantal Elbers
Future Infrastructure Liaison
Jin Lee
District Intranet Analyst
Dr. Benny Cronin
Human Factors Supervisor
Kerem Aydin
Legacy Implementation Director
Job suggestions
Jaicob gets smarter with every interaction. By evaluating all data with Al, Jaicob precisely understands what works and what doesn't.
Job recommendations
Jaicob AI
Product Division Facilitator
57650 Oak Avenue, Delano
Future Branding Engineer
2356 Kadin Junctions, Fort Kassandra
Human Branding Representative
8641 Will Place, East Americastad
International Applications Associate
86832 Roberta Unions, Elliottside
Forward Web Officer
802 Grange Close, North Kaceyworth
Legacy Quality Designer
882 Kestrel Close, Lake Tysonville
Lead Directives Producer
51013 Locust Street, Delano
Chief Factors Developer
964 Tracey Crossing, East Antoinette
Central Research Developer
40590 Jones Terrace, South Astrid
Intelligent at core
AI powered
Jaicob is powered by our robust AI engine. Receive AI guidance on aspects such as job listings, candidates, and marketing.
Vacancy optimization
From creating targeted campaigns to analyzing their performance across various job sites, Jaicob provides the tools you need to attract top talent efficiently.
Total spend
All boards
Job boards currently active
Time online
14 / 24 days
Money spent
€ 498 / € 900
Total clicks
Al screening
Jaicob analyzes CVs and cover letters, then conducts intake interviews to map skills, experience, and suitability. This ensures you can recognize talent promptly.
Simone Winters
Global Response Planner
Al onboarding
Jaicob leverages the data gathered during onboarding to craft a customized work environment that reflects your organization's unique tone of voice and branding.
Jaicob AI is committed to ethical integrity and dedicated to pioneering progress.
Machine learning
Jaicob gets smarter with every interaction. By evaluating all data with Al, Jaicob precisely understands what works and what doesn't.
Video meeting transcript & summary
Manual note-taking during intake interviews is a thing of the past. Jaicob automatically generates a complete transcript and concise summary when you conduct video calls using our software.
Automatic mailing
Save time by sending standard emails. Jaicob automatically sends personalized and relevant emails to clients and colleagues based on specific triggers.
Start today with the future of recruitment
Embrace the latest developments and discover how this can make your recruitment process more enjoyable and efficient.